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Progressive Chamber Music Festival im Münchener Milla Club
Progressive Chamber Music Festival im Münchener Milla Club
Happy Holidays! This is my final newsletter for 2023. Wow, it has been a busy year! Thank you all for taking part in my musical journey. It’s amazing for me to have so many people following my work.
Gregor Hübners “Munich Composers Collective” mit aktuell 18 starken Musikerpersönlichkeiten spielt in der Unterfahrt
Hope you all are doing well, and everybody had a great summer. The new concert season is starting, and I am very excited about the beginning of my sabbatical year from teaching. I just spent August and September in Dakar/Senegal to learn about West African Culture, take lessons on the Kora and work with great musicians like the Kora Virtuoso Noumouncounda and his daughter Aby.
This past week, performing in New York City and Corning, NY, was a week to remember. Read all about it, plus see all my summer tour dates…..
Richie Beirach/Gregor Huebner with Sirius Quartet – May 7, 2023 at Bargemusic
Gregor Huebner Birthday Celebration with El Violin Latino – May 17, 2023 at The Porch