Sirius Quartet “Our First Decade”
2020 is the 10th year of the current lineup of Sirius Quartet. To celebrate this milestone, Sirius Quartet is organizing a series of performances in New York City, presenting their past repertoire in chronological order. Photos by Asher + Oak Photography
The 70-50 Birthday Photo Album
2017 Marks a Momentous Year for Richie Beirach and Gregor Huebner. On May 23, 2017 Richie turns 70 and Gregor turns 50. Click here to learn more about the Beirach/Huebner 70/50 Birthday Celebration including news about the albums, tour dates and photos from the shows.
El Violin Latino at Bargemusic
El Violin Latino at Bargemusic in Brooklyn January 2017 Special Guest – Ysai Huebner Photos by: Fung Chern Hwei
El Violin Latino at Chestertown Jazz Festival
El Violin Latino performs at the Chestertown Jazz Festival — Latin Jazz on the Chester River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
Photo Album
Photos with some of my favorite people.
Family Album
Snapshots of my family.
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