Gregor Huebner’s Compositions
- I See A Song for string orchestra, flute, marimba & djembe Op. 90
(commissioned by Paul Hidemith School Neuköln Berlin) - Chante pour l’ile Goree for string quartet Op. 89
- Ukrainian Window for string quartet Op. 88
- Henry Realoaded for 17 musicians Op. 87
- Spirits-Crossroads to Peace for Brass Quartet Op. 86
(commissioned by Tetrabrass) - Billie movement for string quartet Op. 85
- Die Geschichte vom Blinden Vertrauen Op. 83
(commissioned by the Opera Düsseldorf) - Sei mutig und entschlossen Op. 81 for soprano and organ
- Preludes Op. 80 Nr 1-14 for solo piano
- Changing Times Op. 79 for Harp Piano Marimba Soprano Sax and Stringquintet (Commissioned by Vielklang Festival Tübingen)
- Barcelona Op. 78 for Harp and Barock Harp (Commissioned by the international harp cogress)
- 6 Bagatellen Op. 77 (Commissioned by the music conservatory Filum)
- Streichquartett Nr 7 Op. 76 “Rage”
- Angry Times for violin Duo Op. 75/b
- Angry Times for solo violin Op. 75
- Der Fall el Masri: documentary film
- Prelude Op. 74 Strauss Balade
- MLK Op. 73 for soprano, string quartet and soprano solo (Commissioned by the BW state chamber choir)
- Beethoven Project Op. 72
- Matilda Op. 71 for soprano and piano
- City of Chaos for ENYJCollective Op. 70
- Digital Code Op. 69 for 17 musicians and electronic improv (Commissioned by Munich Composers Collective)
- In the News Op. 68 for 11 musicians (Commissioned by Filum Music Coservatory)
- Trois Facettes Op. 67 for Harp, Marimba, and Piano (Private Commission)
- Independence in Unity Wind Quintet Op. 66 (Commissioned by PentAnemos Woodwind Quintet)
- Der Troll für Sopran und Streichquartett Op. 65 (Commissioned by Marlis Petersen)
- Beethoven’s Dream Op. 64
- The Poet for string quartet and harp Op. 63
- para un major mundo for harp and string quartet Op. 62, for harp and orchestra Op. 62/b (Commissioned by the Salzburg)
- # Still Op. 61 for string quartet
- New World Nov. 9 2016 String Quartet No.6, Op. 60 (Grand Prize for NY Philharmonic’s New World Initiative Composition Challenge)
- Piano Concerto No.3, Op. 59 for big band and piano solo (Commissioned by the WDR Big Band)
- Violin Concerto No.3, Op. 58 for big band and violin solo (Commissioned by the WDR Big Band)
- The Purcell Project Op. 57 for string quartet (Commissioned by the CIS Choir)
- Escape from Reality Op. 56 duo for 2 violins
- It’s Enough Op. 55 for chamber orchestra
- Katmandu Op. 54 for violin and piano
- Ich rufe zu Gott Op. 53 for violin solo and mixed choir (Commissioned by the State Academy Ochsenhausen)
- Zweitausendfünfzehn Op. 52 for chamber orchestra
- Shalom Op. 51 for violin, viola bass and soprano sax
- Inside the Clave für Zither solo Op. 50 Edition Zither – Order the Sheet Music
(Commissioned by the int. competition for Zither in Munich) - Six Songs of Innocence Op. 49 for mixed choir and string quartet (Commissioned by the CIS Choir)
- Clockwork Interrupted for big band and symphonic orchestra Op. 48 (Commissioned by the SWRadio Germany)
- String Quartet No.5, Op. 47
- Prelude No.3, Op. 46 For Octavio
- Klavierkonzert No.2, Op. 45 (Commissioned by the International Bach Akademie and Helmut Rilling)
- The Wollheim Quartet: Streichquartett No.4, Op. 44 (Warner Brothers) (Private commission by Bret Stephens)
- Colors of the East für Streichquintett und Akkordeon Op. 43 (Warner Brothers) (Commissioned by Tribeka New Music)
- Ellegua’s Mind für Big Band Op. 42 (Commissioned by the SWRadio Big Band)
- Ground Zero for Orchestra and Solo Violin Op. 41
- Short Chamber Pieces Op. 40
- Fragments on Lemminkäinen for String Quartet, Bass and Voice Op. 39 (Commissioned by the Fuerth State Theatre and the Bavarian Radio)
- Fragmente zum Hohenlied des Salomonis Op. 38 (Commissioned by Chorknaben Ueterson)
- De Profundis für Robert Schumann Op. 37 (Comissioned by the international Bach Akademie and Helmut Rilling)
- Drums and Dance – Rituale Op. 36 (Commissioned by the State Theatre Luxemburg)
- The Harlem Heights String Quintet No.1, Op. 35 für Streichquartett und Bass
- Exercises, Etudes and Concert Pieces – Order the Sheet Music
- JFK Op. 34 for violin and cello
- Concert Etudes 1-9 Op. 33 for violin solo
- Double Concerto Op. 32 for saxophone, violin and orchestra (Commissioned by the City of Leonberg)
- Cello Concerto No.1, Op. 31 for cello solo and orchestra (Commissioned by the State Academy Ochsenhausen)
- Mayim Mayim Op. 30 for 10 musicians and 33 dancers (Commissioned by the City of Fuerth)
- Buxtehude 21 Op. 29 for choir, organ and orchestra (Commissioned by the Buxtehude Festival Luebeck)
- Cuban Impressions Op. 28 for string quartet and string orchestra (Commissioned by the State Academy Ochsenhausen)
- Capriccio Op. 26 for violin and orchestra (Commissioned by the State Academy Ochsenhausen)
- Streichquartett #3, Op. 27 Warner Brothers (Private commission)
- Bagatellen Op. 25, No. 1-6 for violin and piano
- Trazzom Op. 24 Suite for Double Trio op24 (Commissioned by the Mozart Society Stuttgart)
- African Visions Op. 23 for bassoon and string orchestra Norsk Musikvorlag
- Concerto con Violin Latina Op. 22 for string orchestra, percussion and violin. (Commissioned by the State Academy Ochsenhausen)
- Suite No.1, Op. 21 for violin solo (I see a song) (Commissioned by the State Library in BW-Germany)
- Bach 21 Sinfonia Nr1 Op. 20 for chamber orchestra, 5 voices, soprano saxophone, violin and cello. (Commissioned by the International Bach Akademie and Helmut Rilling)
- Transdance on Guige Op. 19 for violin solo
- Salve Regina Op. 18 for mixed organ and choir (Commissioned by the state academy Ochsenhausen)
- String quintet Op. 17 Fugato para Y.J.
- Le Miroire de moment Op. 16 for double choir, violin, piano und bass (Commissioned by the Stuttgart Chamber Choir)
- Moments Op. 15 1-6 for violin, piano und bass (Commissioned by the Stuttgart Chamber Choir)
- Preludes for piano Op. 14
- African Portraits Op. 13 for percussion, marimba, violin and string orchestra Norsk Musikvorlag – Order the Sheet Music (Commissioned by the city of Stuttgart)
- Latin Suite Op. 12 for marimba, french horn and strings Norsk Musikvorlag – Order the Sheet Music
- Introduction Op. 11 for string orchestra
- Concerto for Zbiggy Op. 10 für Violine und Sinfonieorchester (Commissioned by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra)
- Five Latin Pieces for Piano Op. 9
- Streichquartette Op. 8
- Nr. 2 Verlorene Worte – Gefundener Klang (Commissioned by the State Library in BW-Germany)
- Nr. 3 La Clave
- Concertino for Violin and Piano Op. 7 (Commissioned by Gerhard Voss/Melos Quartet)
- Concerto for Conga Op. 6 for solo conga, piano, marimba, timpani and string orchestra – Norsk Musikvorlag Order the Sheet Music (Commissioned by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra)
- Preludes Op. 5 for Piano
- Slawik Suite Op. 4 Concerto for violin solo and big band
- Russian Sketches Op. 3 for string quartet and string orchestra (Commissioned by the Stuttgart Chamber Choir)
- Russian Sketches Bearbeitung Op. 3 for soprano saxophone, violin, viola, bass clarinet and string orchestra op.3
- In Memoriam Bela Op. 2 for solo violin and piano, string orchestra and 5 horns
- New York Stories Op. 1 for solo violin and viola, string orchestra and percussion
- Wolga for violin solo and big band
- Dubrovnic for big band
- Movement for string quartet and piano
- Subway #2 for Violin, 3 tenor trombones and bass trombone
- New York Tango + Fugato Misterioso for violin, clarinet, bandoneon, piano and bass
- Tango para LaJuana for violin, clarinet, bandoneon, piano, bass and string orchestra
- Thema und Variationen for violin solo, violin and piano
Download a list of Gregor Huebner compositions >