April 2022 Newsletter

APRIL 2022

Gregor Huebner News

Happy Spring,

Finally, culture is happening again and I am very happy to announce the release of my solo piano album with 14 original Preludes I composed during these last 2 years, Gregor Huebner – Piano Solo Preludes OP. 80.

What makes it so exciting is that I didn’t release anything on piano for over 15 years. Corona made me compose the music which helped me get through these hard times as an artist. It’s released on the prestigious classical label Solo Musica and I hope you like it.

It feels good to be on the road again and a lot of concerts are in the pipeline for the next 2 months. We will celebrate Richie Beirach’s 75th birthday, Sirius Quartet, as well as Berta Epple, are on tour again.

I am looking forward to seeing you at some of these great venues.


Gregor Huebner – Piano Solo Preludes OP. 80

Release Date: April 1, 2022

Listen to the album on Solo Musica
Apple Music

Listen to Prelude No 7 Lullaby on Spotify, Apple Music or Amazon.
Watch Lullaby
Composed and performed by Gregor Huebner
Video produced by Fung Chern Hwei

Hard copies of the new album can be ordered directly with me by sending an e-mail to: ghuebner@me.com – 15 US$ or Euros + shipping

Richie Beirach 75th Birthday Celebration

April 18. Richie Beirach European Quartet meets Sirius Quartet 
April 21. Richie Beirach/GregorHuebner Duo
April 22. Huebner Beirach Huebner Trio
April 24. Huebner Beirach Huebner Trio
Kisslegg Studio 5
May 20.  Richie Beirach European Quartet

Sirius Quartet 

April 9. Bowdoin College in Maine
April 18. Richie Beirach European Quartet meets Sirius Quartet 
May 4. Sirius Quartet
May 5. Sirius Quartet feat Evelyn Huber
May 6. Sirius Quartet
May 8. Sirius Quartet
May 11. Sirius Quartet featuring Evelyn Huber
May 12. Sirius Quartet featuring Evelyn Huber
Loreley Felsen Plateaau, Bornich
May 13. Sirius Quartet
Urholzwerkstadt Eppingen Tullastrasse 30 19:00
May 14. Sirius Quartet
May 15. Sirius Quartet feat Andrea Förderreuther (guitar)

Berta Epple

May 21 Berta Epple, Die Rente ist sicher
May 22 Berta Epple, Die Rente ist sicher
May 25 Berta Epple, Die Rente ist sicher

Berta Epple

May 28 Berta Epple Das ganze jähr geöffnet
May 29 Berta Epple Das ganze jähr geöffnet


Pelikula: Gerd Baumann and Gregor Hübner
Available on Apple Music >

El Violin Latino, Vol. 3 – Los Soñadores

Order the album in the US from Amazon >>


European Publisist:
Angelika Schindel
Schindel PR

US Publicist: 
Francesca Raimond
FIR Productions
New York City